Saluyot: “Inexpensive health and beauty booster”

When I was kid, I used to play with jute leaves, the elongated sprout of it used to be my green banana, and the leaves I seemingly cook it and sell it to my friends (the usual 'cook and sell' kids do) only to find out later that my supposed 'plaything' is a plant of wonder. Historians reported this to have existed since 6000 BC and had been widely used in the cuisine of ancient Greek people. They believed that "Mulukhiya" as they call it "is the food for the nobles and kings". It was was even deemed to be one of the beauty secrets of Cleopatra. Saluyot, with a scientific name of Corchorus Olituris Linn , as famoulsy called, is also known as 'jute leaves', 'molukhiya', 'mallow leaves'. It is green, leafy, shrublike vegetables that sprouts anywhere, almost unnoticed; if cultivated, it requires less care and can be grown whole year round. It is known for its characteristrics as slimy like that of okra. The leaves can...