Benefits of Group Run!
I used to set my alarm clock at 4:30 in the morning for my daily run. Sometimes when that laziness kicks in - alarm rings, I snoozed it and straight back to bed. It is quite frustrating, hours before that I've been promising myself to do a 10km run in the morning, but there I was snoring. Reality wise, sometimes the urge to snuggle in bed than run wins.
This is the point where I truly missed "group run" - our running club used to run in group If we need to train for an upcoming marathon. I find it a helpful tool to push yourself to train with ease and fun - lesser feel of struggle.
What happens when you run with a group?
YOU COMMIT - when you run with a group, you develop that sense of commitmment, discipline and respect of other's time. When you agreed to assemble at 3:30 in the morning and gunstarts at 4:00 that means that you have to be there before gunstart. It doesn't matter if it is bedweather, you will be forced to get up because texts and calls from your running buddies will be reinforcing your snoozed alarm.
If they can pull themselves out of bed why can't you. This tactic works - when you commit you tend to think of others not just yourself. And eventually benefits from your self sacrifice - before you know it you're on the road training.
YOU RUN BETTER - Watching your mates, observing their pace and manner of running, it makes you check on how your performance is. You have a point of comparison. Not that you want to compete with them - you are learning to become better.
Learning goes with sharing. There is that give and take relationship between running buddies - you share tips and ideas to enhance yourself and do good in the marathon.
YOU'RE HAVING FUN - Imagine doing a slow long distance run, let's say 20km. If you are doing it alone, it is in reality boring. However, if you run with a group, running atmosphere is light and fun. You won't feel the drag of that 20 km distance - you will have chats, jokes that will crack everyone out, and petty running lessons.
Paul, 32, a fast paced marathoner, one of our running buddies, he has that habit of running like a "gay" (no offense meant to gay people - in fact i have good friends and uncles that are gay and i love them). Everybody will be laughing at him while he does the swaying hips and flipping hair while running. Point is, no matter how much ache your knuckles are feeling, it will be unnoticed because of the fun you are having with the people along the journey.
STRONGER BOND OF FRIENDSHIP - These are not just people you have common interests with, these are your friends. You talk in the same manner and language - because all of you flips on the same page - that love for running. The bond you have with them goes deeper as you go through the same hurdles in training - the blisters, cramps and injuries - but with each others reliance and push, you will all made it.
This 2019, gather your gang and hit that road!
Happy running!