De-stressing secrets!
Cramming for a lenghty coverage of exam, meeting deadlines, top-over schedules for kids activity at school - these are just some examples of situations that causes your heart to pump faster, pressurized and tensed. Whoever could have invented the word stress, must owe something to those who devout themselves de-stressing affected ones.
It is the feelings created as we repond to certain situations or events we encounter in our day to day existence. Contrary to what we commonly believe, this term comes in a plus and minus. The plus or positive stress scopes on how we respond positively on certain crises, like an unexplainable strength during a fire or in any case with actual danger. The minus or bad stress relates to our feelings on certain situations which needs longer period of recuperating to its normal state, like in a break-up-relationship situation, loss of job or someone - these cases depletes our body and mental resistance, weakens our immune system and further causes health problems.
De-stressing Secrets (for bad stress)
Stay on the affirmative side of the coin.
Bear in mind that while one still breathe, tons of problems are piled up to be dealt. Take things lightly and console yourself that on every problem, somehow somewhere is a solution. Look around and you'll see that others have greater gravity or conflicts.
Sweat out!
A 30 minute exercise everyday that will sweat you out is good for the body and mind. It realeases hormones that will release ones body from the clog of anxiety.
Talk to a friend.
Either your mother, your husband or your closest friend. Its about airing out what you are keeping within. Loosening yourself to someone helps out ease burden.
Relax and have fun.
Dont be stiff. Sway it out, move, jump, shout, sing, dance. Do things that you like best.
Take a lot fluids and fruits.
The body needs vitamins, minerals and fluids to rejuvenate. It replaces the energy efforted by the body in dealing certain situations.
Nothing beats the intimacy you have with the ONE above. It gives you some inner balance and peace. The mystery of the power of prayer is undeniably extraordinary. The unsaid comfort and assurance, though unspoken begets someone the strenght to move up onwards amidst hay and dust!